The police in the Twin Cities says he has no doubt this crime happened . . . the delegate is being very cooperative with investigators. They believe that the delegate was slipped a "date rape" drug in the drinks mixed in the room.
Oh yeah, the delegate is male and the offender is female. The article closes with a quote from the delegate explaining that as a single guy, he was flattered by the attentions of this attractive woman . . . and that if anything has made this humiliation worthwhile was letting people know that date rape drugs can be used on men too.
There is no mention if the victim believes he were sexually assaulted, if he is bothered by the idea he may or may not have been sexually assaulted, or if he even thinks that if sex happened (with or without his consent and/or participation) that it's even a crime.
I see cases like this all the time, but with the genders reversed. In fact, the last ER call I personally took, the victim was a young college student who had attended her first college party and didn't realize what was in the punch. She woke up with her underpants on inside-out and backwards and believes she was raped. As I walked into the ER, the triage nurse asked me if it were even a rape if she doesn't know for sure she was raped? Law enforcement has taken her statement, but isn't really concerned about finding the unknown perpetrator.
But yet, it's sexist of us to question the candidacy of Sarah Palin when she thinks rape victims ought to pay for the forensic examination and gathering of evidence in the process of reporting the crime to law enforcement?
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