Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Fun Client Stories

Sometimes, the help we extend isn't exactly in the realm of sexual violence. Because we are a crisis oriented organization, and because we are a "women's" organization, we get calls from people who have interesting situations and don't really know where else to turn. I'm sure there is quite the debate with themselves before calling us. Usually these calls are about something related to violence and women, crime, or sex.

A few years ago, we got a call from a woman with a very small voice. She clearly was calling us because she just didn't know who else to call and hoped we would be sympathetic or know where to find help. She had a variety of problems. She had lost her job and didn't know how she was going to pay her rent or power bills. She also had a young child and the father was gone. She was clearly embarrassed to admit that she'd had a fleeting relationship with a neighborhood guy, and realized after she got pregnant how little she really knew about him. Like his real name. She realized she only knew him by his nickname - "Batman." She knew the small community where his family lived, but they claimed to not be interested in any children he may or may not have fathered (their words.)

I referred her to several social service organizations and the local job link service and every other agency I could think of. I think that the clear desperation and hopelessness in her voice tugged on my heart strings more than other folks who call demanding public assistance.

A week or so later, I was talking to a friend who is a probation/parole officer. She was expressing frustration over the "street names" of the men she worked with - and how when she calls their homes, no one knows their legal names. I laughed and related my client's frustration in realizing after getting pregnant the importance of learning a legal name. When I mentioned that the missing father was "Batman" - my friend jumped in to say she had a man on her case load who was known as "Batman." She ordered a paternity test, and LO! he was the missing father.

The client was amazed that we were able to find "Batman" and get her some child support to help her out. Frankly, I was amazed too.

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