Thursday, November 1, 2007

New Link

You'll notice that in the "Places worth checking out" section, there is a new link. You can also get there by clicking on the title of this post.

It is a section of the EndAbuse site called "Coaching Boys into Men."

Feminist philosophers, sociologists, counselors, and researchers of all ilks have commented on the differences between the way boys and girls are reared. We spend a lot of time talking about how to bring up smart, healthy, confident girls. But, what do we offer boys?

I totally understand patriarchy as the underlying influence on our planet. I also understand that much of the world around us reinforces the notion of male as superior. That's not what this is about. This is about the real, live boys all around us who aren't getting the role models, dedicated adults, and positive direction they need to also be smart, healthy, and confident people.

Too many boys grow up without a positive male influence in their lives. A male who can counter the negative portrayals of masculinity and what it means to be a "real man." Too many boys are left to imagine or make up what being grown up means. For too many boys, we fail to give them the road map we give girls (even if what girls get is passively given.)

If you have boys in your life who are into sports and sports culture, Coaching Boys into Men may be just the resource you're looking for to help. They have good resources and many if not all are free.

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