Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Nice Reminder

Interestingly, the only time I start to wonder if my life's work is futile is when I see media reports of sexual assaults. You'd think it would be the day in and day out looking victims in the eye.

Today, I got a nice reminder about why I'm committed to this work. I was seeing a client for the second time. She is a referral from a local counselor. She was scared to add going to the rape crisis center into the routine of appointments. We had a very productive meeting. She has started talking to her family about what happened to her. She is showing more interest in making her surroundings safer. She disclosed information she'd never said aloud before.

While I was driving her home, she let out a long sigh and relaxed into the car seat and said "I feel so much better."

And, that's why I get up out of my warm bed day after day. Those magical five words.

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