Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Casulty of War

It's a pretty horrifying story, read it knowing that.

A gulf war vet (two tours) has been charged with beating and raping his three month old daughter. His defense is that he has no recollection of committing the acts because he would drink and drug himself into passing out everyday. Although he doesn't admit doing it, he does agree that it is the logical possibility . . . being that he was alone with the baby.

I'm also thinking that it is a serious serious form of neglience to knowingly drink and drug yourself into passing out when you are the sole caregiver for a newborn. . . but that's a side issue.

Because this war effort is being staffed by national guard units, vets are coming from all over the country . . . not just military base areas. I've known a few women who experienced the long term or multiple deployments of their partners. Nearly every woman I know whose partner/husband was deployed report that their relationship broke within just a few months of the vet returning.

I know lots has been said and written about the lack of adequate services for vets. It seems to me that it would be easy enough to have routine and regular follow up or check in with returned vets/their partners to see if they need extra services to help them reenter society or cope with the trauma of their war experience.

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