Thursday, February 28, 2008


One of the things I struggle with is recognition, for my agency. I understand that even in saying "rape crisis center" there is an icky factor most people won't face. I understand that you can never make reference to my agency and have a happy thought. But, we do good work. Our clients are worthy of recognition as "community success stories" too.

Today I attended a community celebration of our volunteers and service agencies. It was a nice way to encourage service by recognizing what is already done by so many in our community. It was a nice opportunity to see some of the really innovative programs one doesn't normally hear about.

But, I was once again struck by how easily my agency is excluded. Speakers, time and time again, referred to services for "families struggling with domestic violence and services for sexually abused children." (Not that I think those victims/services aren't just as worthy as mine) I am almost tempted to raise my hand and ask if they realize that adult women are innocent victims too? It seems to me that our culture has a hard time accepting that victimization is victimization, and that we ought not judge the victims more harshly than we judge the perpetrators of crime, violence, and fear.

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